Guy & Mark Osmond

Guy Osmond

Team Osmond

Team captain: Guy Osmond


This is a great opportunity for an amazing drive for an amazing cause. We do a lot of motoring events for, frankly, quite selfish reasons so this gives us the perfect opportunity to raise a significant sum by way of payback for the incredible service of both SSAFA and their beneficiaries.

We've exceeded our target but let's keep going with the fundraising!

Follow our adventures on Instagram: @ssafa_os




  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors


This is a great opportunity for an amazing drive for an amazing cause. We do a lot of motoring events for, frankly, quite selfish reasons so this gives us the perfect opportunity to raise a significant sum by way of payback for the incredible service of both SSAFA and their beneficiaries.

We've exceeded our target but let's keep going with the fundraising!

Follow our adventures on Instagram: @ssafa_os


Guy Osmond is fundraising towards